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HR by Eve Services for the individual

Discover Your Potential

Business Meeting
Business Meeting

Introductory Consultation


This introductory session is key to discovering your dreams, goals and where you may find success. We examine what your skills, experience and education as well as what you're passionate about to discover your dream job or what you're best suited for.
Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.

Strategic Planning Session

Expert Guidance

Whether its a career change, progression or just trying to figure out how to get you where you need to go, I'm your guide. 
The Strategic Planning Session is where we identify education opportunities, career moves, and more to plan out your career. This is where we figure out the steps of your journey to success

Presentation Analysis and Interview Coaching

Presenting your best self

Once you know where you want to go, you want to make sure that the first impression is the best impression. 
To do so, I start by focusing on your brand which includes your resume, cover letter, and social media profiles to ensure that the face you are presenting to the employer is consistent and clear. 
I also offer Interview coaching (Via Skype, phone and in-person) to help you get past the nerves while examining your answers. Ideally you want to be as prepared as possible. 

Outdoor Business Meeting
IMM_Tapas Restaurant

Coaching and support chats

Extra Support 

Career changes and job searching can be daunting, and every once in a while we need a bit of extra support and encouragement. These are relaxed informal chatting sessions to help you refocus on your goals, remind you of your skills and experience, or just help you gain clarity. It can be done over the phone, skype or even at a coffee shop.

Positivity Sessions

Reframe your mindset for joy and success

Some days what you need is a cheerleader. That person you can go to for support, encouragement, and just light-hearted banter to reframe your outlook and get energized about your path and goals. 

This isn't for everyone, but I've found that my clients really enjoy the sessions and have had positive results. 

Does your company need our services? Message us today.

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